Electrical and Electronics Certificate

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500 kr inkl moms

Electrical and Electronics Certificate

This certificate provides you with knowledge about electricity and electronics on a leisure boat. The certificate shows that you have knowledge of how a safe electrical system is structured and can solve several technical problems that may arise. The goal of the training and the certificate is to increase knowledge in the technical functions of boats and thereby reduce the risk of accidents as well as the extent of unnecessary maritime rescue operations.

The electrical and electronics certificate is a document certifying that the holder has demonstrated theoretical and practical knowledge in the areas listed below. These skills enable the holder to understand function, install, maintain, troubleshoot, and remedy common faults in the onboard electrical system and electronics. The certificate is administered by the Board for Boating Education, NFB. To obtain the certificate, the applicant’s knowledge must be tested by an instructor authorized by NFB. Seek an approved instructor.

The training includes:

  • Electrical theory for direct current and alternating current
  • Electrical components onboard
  • Battery systems and charging sources
  • Consumer circuits
  • Marina networks and marine electronic equipment.