The Swedish Council for the Education and Training of Yachtsmen (NFB)
For your safety and that of others at sea

The NFB is a non-profit association with the purpose to make the Swedish leisure boating experience better for everyone. Our certifications are the ultimate quality mark for your safety at sea.

Our role
The boating courses and trainings are organized by study associations, boating clubs and private schools all over the country. Our role is to determine the knowledge requirements of the courses, hold certification exams and issue certificates of competence, as well as to train and authorize interviewers, market the certificates, as well as to inform student associations and the public.
The NFB was formed in 1985 and is the result of a collaboration between The Swedish Transport Agency, The Swedish Cruising Association, The Swedish Sailing Federation and The Swedish Yachting Association.
Certificates for all levels
A certificate from NFB is a quality stamp that shows that you have the right skills to get the most out of your boating life. What skills are required before and what skills have you gained after completing the degree? Click on the link below to read more about specific certificates.

App or card?
As of November 2021, the traditional Blue paper based Diploma book has been replaced by an app and a card but is still valid and can be updated with new certificates if necessary. On the Diploma card the different diplomas are shown on the front side – the QR-code on the back side leads to our website where details about the different diplomas can be found. The digital Diploma book can be downloaded on a smartphone and comes with detailed descriptions of our, and your, diplomas in five different translations – Swedish, English, German, French and Spanish.