Practical boat training/day

Practical boat training/day

The holder has performed the following:

  • Safety review of the vessel’s safety and emergency equipment (fire extinguisher, fire blanket, bilge pump, leak sealing material, first aid kit, emergency lighting kit, lifeboat, life raft, rescue ladder, life buoy, VHF/DSC, etc.)
  • Review and instruction/demonstration of personal safety equipment (life vest, clothing, mobile phone in waterproof case).
  • Reading a chart, pointing out physical objects marked on a chart and vice versa.
  • Steering by compass, towards a defined leading mark and by leading line.
  • Navigation in marked and uncharted waters.
  • Perform a position fix without the use of electronic navigation aids.
  • “Man overboard” manoeuvre, recovering fender or similar.
  • Manoeuvres to demonstrate rudder and propeller effects.
  • Perform the following knots: Clove hitch, round turn and two half hitches, bowline.
  • Mooring and unmooring, including use of a spring
  • Confirmation of current in flowing water by observation of buoys etc.